Monday, August 9, 2010

What are you afraid of?

While dealing with this topic, I remembered one of my friend while studying BE. We used to nick him as phobia or phobs.
Fear is an indispensable element in the human make up. It paralysis the spring of action. It builds its own phantoms which are more fearsome than reality itself. It tears personality to pieces.
you see how irrational fear grips very many people. The individual may realize its irrationality but is unable to dispel it. Such a fear is termed phobia. It is a persistent, excessive, abnormal and panic-like fear. A phobic reaction is then a persistent fear of some objects or situation. which present no actual danger to the patient but in which the danger is magnified out of all proportions to its actual seriousness.

1. acrophobia: Morbid fear of high places or heights.
2. agoraphobia: Morbid fear of wide open places.
3. algophobia: Morbid fear of pain
4. anglophobia: Morbid fear of England and English things.
5. antropophobia: Morbid fear of mankind
6. astraphobia: Morbid fear of lighting, thunder and storms
7. astrophobia: Morbid fear of celestial spaces.
8. ballistophobia: Morbid fear of missiles.
9. chirophobia: Morbid fear of hands.
10. bibliophobia: Morbid fear of books.
11. claustrophobia: Morbid fear of closed, confined places.
12. ergophobia: Morbid fear of work.
13. dendrophobia: Morbid fear of trees.
14. gynephobia: Morbid fear of women.
15. hemantophobia: Morbid fear of blood.
16. hippophobia: Morbid fear of horses.
17. monophobia: morbid fear of being alone.
18. mysophobia: Morbid fear of contamination or germs.
19. nyctophobia: Morbid fear of darkness.
20. ochlophobia: morbid fear of crowd.
21. panophobia: Morbid fear of everything in general.
22. pathophobia: Morbid fear of diseases.
23. pedophobia: Morbid fear of children.
24. photophobia: morbid fear of light.
25. podophobia: Morbid fear of feet.
26. pyrophobia: Morbid fear of fire.
27. sitophobia: Morbid fear of food.
28. Syphilophobia: Morbid fear of syphilis
29. trichophobis: Morbid fear of hair.
30. triskaidekaphobia: Morbid fear of the number 13.
31. xenophobia: Morbid fear of foreigners.
32. zoophobia: morbid fear of animals or some particular animals.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day of lazy guy like me

I like to sleep whole the morning. I would be happy to sacrifice my breakfast and ready to have lunch at late afternoon for the shake of closing eyes and be under quilt.
As my office time is from 9 am to 6pm, I do not have next option to wake up at 8 but I manage to sleep more 15 minutes. I have to walk 10 minutes to the train station and use train. The train will come on every 3 minutes and the distance for my train travel is about 5 minutes. I really have time advantage of living near to the work place which I do spend on sleeping. This advantage of sleeping time is gained recently as before November, 2009, I have 1 to travel 40 minutes on train for going to office.
After work, I go to fitness club. When I am in mood, I spend more than 1 hour on exercise. But most of the time I do 15-20 minutes running or cycling, set-ups, etc only. The most important thing to do on fitness center is to be in Onsen(hot water pond) and sauna. The tiredness of work will all be away after coming from Onsen. I will be fresh and hungry when coming at home. Then I start eating some cookies, fruits and cook rice and curry.
At about 10 I will finished my meal and be infront of my laptop. I wish to update blog everytime but my time goes on facebooking and chatting with friends. Everything I forget when I see my family and friends are talking with me. I enjoy chatting. At 12:00 midnight I will try to sleep anyhow. In this way my life is going. This routine is always same. When I am rushing to office on same time to catch the train of same time, I find same similar faces rushing like me.